• 6 Tips for Improving the Collaboration of Your Company

    If you have a team of employees of any size, you must collaborate on various projects to benefit your company. Collaboration is a difficult task for many people, so use these six tips from the McKinney Chamber of Commerce to improve your company's collaborative efforts.


    1. Practice Open Communication

    Open communication is vital for good collaboration. If your employees don't know exactly what you expect from a project, they can't produce results that satisfy you. You also want your workers to feel comfortable coming to you when they have a problem with the company. Spend time building a positive work environment that everyone is comfortable in so that you can all communicate freely and have better collaboration on work projects. Having a team atmosphere and a positive work culture goes a long way toward enhancing your collaborative efforts and ensuring that your customers are happy with the projects you perform for them.


    2. Use Technology

    The rapid advancement of technology has created numerous platforms to enhance collaboration. For example, there are many types of project management software that help you keep all employees on the same page. This software is especially important if you manage a team of remote workers. People who don't have the opportunity to work in an office together may struggle with collaborative projects, so having good project management software is helpful for keeping everyone aware of what is going on with the task. Using tech is a good way to keep everyone on task so you can accomplish projects within your timeline.


    3. Utilize PDFs

    If you want different departments to be able to work together cohesively, making all of the files they need readily available digitally is key. PDFs are a great solution. Not only is it easier to share and access PDFs across multiple devices compared to Microsoft files, but they can also be secured with passwords or encryption, ensuring sensitive information never falls into the wrong hands. Adobe offers a range of PDF tools to help you create and manage your business’s files. Whether your teams need to convert to PDF format, add or remove pages from a PDF file, or edit the text and images of a PDF, Adobe’s tools give your team an easy way to manage collaborative projects and work together.


    4. Make Team Building a Priority

    If you want your employees to collaborate on various projects, they need to feel as if they are part of a team. Spend some time on team-building exercises so you can focus on building high-quality relationships among your employees. Collaborative projects are more likely to be successful if they are approached as a team. One study found that 71% of workers in America are more productive if they feel connected to their coworkers, so helping your employees learn to understand each other's strengths and weaknesses helps them form a team that is effective on collaborative projects.


    5. Reward Collaborative Efforts

    Sometimes projects fail despite your best efforts. Instead of being disappointed that your employees were not able to complete the project to your satisfaction and deadline, reward their collaborative efforts. Praise them for their hard work on the project. This doesn't mean praising people who failed to work hard - it means rewarding people for trying to enrich your company. If they tried their best and their efforts simply failed, it is not your employees’ fault that the project did not work out. Make sure that they understand that they are appreciated.


    6. Offer Feedback

    True collaboration involves receiving constructive criticism and adjusting your project to fit expectations. Learn how to provide your employees with the instructive criticism they need to make their projects as good as possible. Don't forget to point out what your workers are doing well so they know their efforts are appreciated. Failing to give feedback leads to miscommunication and could decrease productivity and affect customer satisfaction.


    If you want your business to be successful, having good collaboration is essential. Boost your collaborative efforts by taking steps like prioritizing team building, practicing open communication, and utilizing PDFs.

    Have a question for the team at the McKinney Chamber of Commerce? Get in touch today to learn more about our resources.
