• What does McKinney's future look like?

    Ensuring a vibrant McKinney for today and in the future was the focus of an all day collaborative compression planning meeting. As part of the Chamber’s priority to “Advance Community Excellence,” the Chamber convened a diverse cross section of business, community, civic and non-profit leaders to determine shared goals and a clear vision for our community.
    The process was designed to assess where McKinney and our region is now and to determine challenges and opportunities for our community as we develop and compete in a global economy.
    There were three main topics the group discussed. Those topics and the deliverables the group agreed to include the following:
    1. Top Qualities of collaborative leadership:

    1. Diversity of thought—people with different experiences
    2. High functioning collaborative people demonstrating a willingness to take risk
    3. Innovation—creativity
    4. Visionary—do not focus on what we think we need to do—allowing people to have a new vision
    5. Decisive—group need to make a decision and move (take action)
    6.  Ability to get things done
    Top Things we do toward McKinney’s success:
    1. We invest in our youth (career connectivity; value our K-12, early childhood education…)
      • We prepare our students by educating for the future
    2. We grow in ways that benefit all of our “citizens” (i.e. corporate, residents, students, et al.)
    3. We promote sustainability and preservation of our natural resources
    4. We have a clear vision/definition of who we are
      • We need to financially support our long-term vision once the vision is clearly defined (un-dotted card added to clarify)
    5. All leadership works together—collaborate
    Top Things we do to attract & retain…:
    1. Support and enhance all educational opportunities (public K-12, community college, et al.)
    2. We continue to focus on our quality of life as we grow
    3. We develop the “built environment” (experiences in the community)
    4. Create a business friendly environment for developers
    5. We embrace and support diversity (it can be demonstrated)
    6. We become a new type of suburb (embrace technology; understand future urban models)
    To move these ideas forward the group decided to on some action items to complete in 90 days. Those items include:
    1. Convene core entities (i.e. City, College, ISD, EDC, et al.)
    2. Research other cities that are successful
    3. Assess feasibility for Diversity Council (membership composition)
    4. Bring together Businesses, College, ISD to help define vision (e.g. Education Task Force).
    If you are interested in helping advance our community and help shape our future, please contact the Chamber. It will take us all working together to build on the success of McKinney so that every citizen experiences a high quality of life.  

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